Saturday, November 06, 2004

It's raining... Meow! Wuff!

The rainy season is back. It's weird because back in school when we studied Alam dan Manusia and Geography, November and December are the rainy months for the East Coast, ie Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. But now I am in med school, KL's joining the wet party too. Interesting. The whole El-Nino/La Nina/whatever Latino name phenomenon is taking place, affecting us all in lil old KL, causing massive traffic jams and landslides. Hmmm.

I like rain. But only when I'm safe and sheltered in school or at home. I love it when it rains really hard, with lightning and thunder. The brighter the lightning, the better. Especially at night. Lightnings are gorgeous, aren't they? So bright, so pretty, lighting up the darkened sky. I sleep more soundly when there's thunder too. :) Only when I'm safe at home though. When stuck at an LRT station... hmmph. I'll be singing a completely different tune. :P

There's something about staying home and watching a good movie on tv on a rainy day. I just watched 'Orange County'. I didn't plan to watch it, but it happened to be on tv. I've watched it for many times already, but I still enjoyed watching it just now. It has a simple plot, but it's funny and has endearing characters. And Colin Hanks (Tom Hanks' son) is cute. :D But basically, I really liked the movie's message: it is the people around you who inspires you, not where you are or where you think you're 'supposed to be'. How true. So far in my 2nd year in this med school, I have been blessed with many supportive individuals whom I call my friends and lecturers, and I am grateful for that. :)

A rainy afternoon also makes a good setting to study. I don't know why, but it has always been like that since I was young. The sound of the rain hitting the awning, the sight of lightning and the sound of howling wind heighten the studying experience. I study better when it rains. Funny, huh?

The rain does not dampen my mood or spirits. In fact, I'm feeling pretty sunny now. :)

"These are the days that bring new meaning
I feel the stillness of the sun and I feel fine."
-- Jamie Cullum, These Are The Days

It's raining men!... NoT! (I wish!, kekeke) But it's still raining anyway... so it's off to Study Land! Toodles! ;P

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Xiao_zhai said...

There's a particular thing I notice about rain.It is the smell,you know the smell of the wind blowing into the hall,with an ongoing downpour outside the balcony.I just can't find the expression to describe it.I Maybe you can help me with it?By the way,rain is also a good inspiration for poetry,at least to me.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger raKoon said...

Hmm... dun think I can help you with the description cos I'm not sure of it either. But I do love the smell of grass after rain. They smell so... fresh. :)

At 11:06 AM, Blogger YeePei said...

I like the smell of freshly cut grass. :D


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